Sunday, June 12, 2011

Health Tip of the Week: Hydration!

Yes, even though its not June 21st, summer is here in the fact that for the past few weeks, there have been a few days with an average temperature of about a billion degrees (at least in the NJ/PA/NY area).  Since July and August are yet to come, it won't be getting better any time soon, and its likely to get even hotter.  So it is important to make sure that you STAY HYDRATED! 
Whether you're exercising outside, working outside, or doing basically anything in the heat, it is very easy to dehydrate quickly.  This can lead not only to decreased athletic performance, but dizziness, general confusion, heat stroke, fainting, and lots of other things you just plain old don't want to happen.  Luckily, these can all be prevented simply by taking in enough water, or the right types of other fluids.

Here are a few guidelines/reminders for staying hydrated as the summer rolls on:
- Thirst is the last signal of dehydration!! Most people think that once they're really thirsty, they can just drink a ton and that will take care of it.  Unfortunately, it can take time for water to get into your system to the point where it will cool you down or spread nutrients throughout the body, preventing things like muscle cramps, or the confusion/disorientation that comes with dehydration.  By the time you're thirsty, you can drink as much as you want, but you're likely to remain dehydrated, sluggish and irritable for at least another few hours.  This is why its important to drink fluids throughout the day, every day.  Try to have a drink with every meal, and sip on something in between.  If you know you're doing something outside in the heat the next day, drink lots of water the day before, in addition to the day of your activity to make sure you're staying hydrated.

- Other fluids can hydrate you besides water.  Pretty much any drink has water in it, so it will hydrate you to some degree.  These include juice and milk.  However, stay away from soda and beer.  Soda has so much sodium in it that it cancels out the hydration effect, and as for beer - well, that just sounds nasty on a hot day.

- Its ok to drink sports drinks.  Read the nutrition labels people - yes, there is some sugar, but not nearly as much as in things like kool-aid, Hawaiian punch, Sunny D, or soda.  Not to mention that yes, they really do contain electrolytes, and yes, those really do replace what you lose in sweat.  The kicker is that the tiny bit of sodium in sports drinks actually jump start your thirst reflex and make you want to keep drinking.  Keep in mind though thats its only really worth having a sports drink if you are exercising or doing some real hard work outside in the heat.

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